Our Playdate at the Copley Library

Did you know that the library is a place where you can do more than borrow books?

During our playdate to the Copley Library in November we learned that the library is a place where you can:

  1. Get free or discounted tickets to Museums around parks (The Zoo and Wildlife sanctuaries are included).

  2. Attend workshops, playgroups and activities for ALL ages!

  3. You can borrow DVD’s, CD’s, games, seeds, audiobooks….

  4. Learn about what’s happening in the community (that’s how some us learned about First Teacher!)

These are just a few reason’s why we love the Library. It is a place where there is so much to discover and it’s free of cost to residents found in cities and towns in most parts of the world. We made it to Copley library using the train (which was new and fun to many of our little friends) but if you’re not able to make it to Copley Library, several branches can be found across Boston. The next time you visit your local branch, pick up a library passport and explore the different libraries across Boston.

During our playdate at the Library we had a special story time with Patty, the Children’s Librarian who believes learning CAN happen ANYWHERE! Patty introduced us to cool songs to move our bodies to, learn shapes and sizes and read 2 stories that helped us practice counting. Patty also shared some toys with us and allowed us to build and play for a while.

When was the last time you visited the library?

What was your experience like?


Winter Break


A Touchpoint